In Episode 09 the board members continue their Something battle... who will prevail?? Ryan once again proves his vast bucket of Pop Culture Knowledge... which is obviously very little and very sheltered. Dan is a highlight reel of losing and teaching but someone has to do it.
The board members are pleased to have their first doctor on the show, DR ISAAC CHILDRES for a 2 part series... Stay tuned for Part 2 and a topical discussion June 9th with the DR.
In Episode 08 the board members unpack there experience at Pretzcon and talk about what they are now looking for in conventions. Dan and Ryan are in hysterics over Ryan's inability to pin down movie titles and his lack of knowledge with Seinfield. They unpack a BRAND NEW segment.. which looks to be a main point of the show and get to chat with Designer Matt Riddle about his game Wasteland Express Delivery Service! Don't miss out on the fun!